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Two Sugars and a Dash of Sanity

Two Sugars and a Dash of Sanity

I really wish I liked coffee, getting used to the night feeds is not easy and sleeping through the day just doesn't happen, so a coffee boost would be perfect. Days before my little person arrived I had restless sleep and waking up quite often with that horrid, evil cold I had, I thought this would be a good practice run for a baby waking me through the night regularly, it wasn't so bad. I hadn't put into consideration that I would not just be waking up and browsing Facebook and needing to pee every 2 hours! I was going to be abruptly woken by a screaming person demanding her butt to be wiped, her bottle to be made and to be fed. 

"I am hungry, but you need to change me first..... No you are taking far to long..... Why aren't you running Mummy..... You mean the bottle isn't ready yet..... Its going to take 30 seconds.... Right that's it I'm going to scream more...... Forget the bib Mum I just want my bottle...... oh look...... You were rushing and now you've lost count of how many scoops you've done......You're going to have to start again!?!?!...... You're fired - Where's Dad!" This is exactly what my child was saying in her baby screaming language! The pressure was on, it was like running around with a tiny ticking time bomb judging my every move, counting my every step and planning her next demand. 

Me and Jamie were lucky to have my Mum stay with us for the week, she only lives a 15 minute drive away but if there was a crisis, break down or worry, that seemed like a lot further away. She was our helper for the week, we paid her in takeaways and baby cuddles. We both really did benefit from her being there, it meant the little things like dishes, recycling and washing was helped with so we could spend more time focusing our energy and love on our daughter (and questioning our sanity). 

That was all my version.

Jamies version?

"Lynn, I need coffee"
"Lynn, coffee?"
"Lynn are you making sandwiches?"
"Oh.... did I just hear the kettle Lynn?"

At least he liked coffee!


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