Hookhills Village Cherry Pie Fayre The weather was warm, the sun was out with a few clouds around, which was perfect really, especially for the amount of children there. We all like the sun to be shining but in the middle of July that could make it a bit too hot for an afternoon spent solely outside. I know for sure my tiny person would have been grumpy if it had been too hot. I still managed to burn only one shoulder, never seem to get an even tan. I always end up with half a leg or arm catching the sun and the rest of me is so white I just reflect it! It was so busy, so many people from around the area and some I didn't recognise. It was so lovely to see a community come together to raise money and enjoy the hard work put into making it a brilliant day. There was stalls, a beer tent, a pimms tent, a stage and lots of activities for the children. This was the first Cherry Pie Fayre of, I am sure, many. And this was my tiny persons first Fayre experience. Granted,