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Baby Brain

Baby Brain

It's real!

It continues from pregnancy right the way through till your child is in their twenties (so I've been told)! 

I've always been a bit 'dippy', done some fairly silly things which some would blame on baby brain IF I had actually been pregnant at the time. I have washed bananas - yes with the skin still on, I have hung out the washing - which was still dirty, I have nearly broke my skull trying to look out my car window, I once drove around on my moped with an A4 piece of paper and a packet of crisps stuck on the top of my helmet and I once walked around the supermarket looking for minge (the handwritten list actually said mince). 

It's safe to say I was not looking forward to this so called baby brain. My normal brain was bad enough.

Thankfully I don't think I've done anything too silly yet. The main way I've been affected is forgetting things. I've gone out leaving the front door wide open, left the fridge door open 4 times, the freezer 2 times and waited for the kettle to boil that wasn't plugged in. I put these more down to tiredness than anything else. 

The best has to be when me and mum got in the lift at Primark, I pressed the button, we then stood in it for 5 minutes before it finally opened, we got out looked around and then finally realised we were on the same floor... A man stood outside waiting for his wife, he had seen us walk into the lift then heard us standing in it (going no where) talking to each other, then exit the lift, look around and wonder why they were selling the same things on a different floor, then the penny dropped and we waited for the lift again. Safe to say he decided to walk away laughing and kept a safe distance from the strange women with the baby who seemed to like the lift. May have been one of those 'you had to be there moments' but if I write it here then in years to come I can read it back and have a little giggle to myself. I pressed the right button the second time.

I'm sure there will be more to add in the days/weeks/months to come. 

God help me!
God help us all!

P.s. - Who needs to go to the health visitor to get the baby weighed.... Pah!


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