Bless You My Child!
Since birth she has been a snuffly baby, I was sure she had my cold but the midwives insisted she wouldn't. It was horrible to know she was bunged up and I couldn't help - my fingers were too big to pick the boogers out of her tiny little nostrils! I hate having a stuffy nose myself, now I also hated her having one too!
It turned out in the end she either had a cold the whole time or ended up getting one. No temperature though so that was a relief.
We had different advice given to us to help clear her nose:
1. Tickle her nose with a tissue;
2. Use a bit of cotton wool inside her nose;
3. Hold her up to a light;
4. Put my mouth over her nose and suck the boggies out.
Safe to say #4 was avoided at all costs! Plus, if I sucked too hard would her brain come out too!?
The winning choice was #2 and #3 together! The sneezing commenced! But how on earth were those giant balls of goo coming out of her nose, they were the size of her head!
The best boggies were what I like to explain like the game 'Whack a Mole', she breathes out - they appear, she breathes in - they disappear. Don't worry, I wasn't planning on whacking her in the nose every time one appeared, I only play that version with Jamie! It was a race against the boogers! On your marks, get set, GRAB!
Then came the sneezing fits. It was never just one sneeze, this girl was a champion sneezer! The record of sneezes in a row was seven! This wasn't just from having a cold, she is always sneezing and it never gets any less cute. The one downfall to the cuteness of this sneezing was the snoring. Cute during the day, annoying when I am trying to sleep.
I decided to try and video her sneezing so I always had a preview of how cute she really is when she does it. Then once I had done that I thought I would take some pictures of her looking all cute and cuddly, during one photo she sneezed and the outcome was disgusting! One photo of snot hanging out my childs nostril, Jamie was at work so I did the kindest thing I could think of and send him the photo. Hope he wasn't eating at the time!
Just be grateful you only have the mental image of it and not the actual photo - as tempting as it was to post it at the end of this blog!
*On a more serious note, for anyone with a stuffy baby, Snufflebabe Nasal Drops helped a lot and I still use them now, really helps clear her nose and loosen any blockage. just be prepared for the grabbing!*
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