It happened!!!
I went to bed at 11am, little one asleep in her GroBag for the first time and I was getting used to the breaks in sleep. Amazing how your body can adjust to sleep so quickly, don't get me wrong, I was still tired and missed my sleep, but I was no longer exhausted.
Sleep pulls me into my dream world preparing me for the night feeds to come.
Woken by my babies cries for food I look at the curtains and see they are letting in light....light??
Where am I? What happened?
The time on my phone is just before 8am.
I'm so confused....did I feed her through the night and I'm just so tired I can't remember doing it?
No.... I didn't.
She slept through the whole night. I feel like doing some sort of celebratory dance! I want to wake Jamie up just to high five him, but his returning high five may be in my face for waking him!
Hallelujah - the time has arrived, the time we parents pray for.
At almost 7 weeks old she has slept through the whole entire night, what an angel!
I expected this to be a one off but it continued for two weeks. Ruined by jab day (blog to follow).
Oh sleep, how I've missed you....welcome back!
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