Twinkle Twinkle Gazing at the ceiling in a complete trance, my baby was staring at nothing - as you do... I waved my hand above her face, clicking my fingers to get her attention, what on earth was so fascinating?! The lights! She was staring long and hard at the lights! I did the same and then all I could see was spots, she was going to blind herself!!! Okay, a bit exagerrated but if I carried on looking too I sure as hell was going to go blind or get a migraine! This new fascination kept her very quiet. What's the true meaning of quiet you ask? I hadn't known either until I witnessed a countless number of hours of continuous screaming, now I know the true meaning of peace/silence/quiet. It's when your baby finally stops crying and you mistake the moment for becoming deaf. You start tapping hollow objects just to be sure you can actually still hear and your baby hasn't permanently damaged your ear drums. That's the true meaning of quiet when you become a mum. We we...